
Taotao Li
Associate Researcher
Lei Liu
Ph.D student

Taotao Li

Associate Researcher

[email protected]

Lei Liu

Ph.D student

[email protected]

Xilu Zou
Ph.D student

Xilu Zou

Ph.D student

[email protected]

The two-dimensional semiconductor represented by transition metal chalcogenides (TMDC) is expected to become the core material for future advanced node integrated circuits. The industrial epitaxial growth of large area and high-quality single crystal thin films is the foundation for the application of integrated circuits, and has significant strategic significance for the development of post molar integrated circuits in China. The material growth team focuses on key scientific issues such as the growth of large area and diverse TMDC single crystal wafers, and conducts the following research: 

1) Based on the previously developed vapor phase epitaxial process, develop core epitaxial equipment, achieve technology and equipment assembly, solve the problem of large area, high quality, and high uniformity epitaxial growth, and achieve the manufacturing of 4-6 inch TMDC single crystal wafers. 

2) Develop universal epitaxy theory, explore the preparation of diversified two-dimensional semiconductor single crystal, and establish a rich material library. 

3) Two dimensional heterostructure and superlattice fabrication. Construct artificial new materials and structures, and explore new physics.