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The School of Electronic Science and Engineering at Nanjing University consists of three disciplines (Electronic Science and Technology, Information and Communications Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering) and four departments (Department of Electronic Engineering, Department of Micro-Electronics and Photo-Electronics, Department of Information and Electronics, and Department of Communications Engineering). Our research spans a wide range of topics in the fields of electronic science and technology, communications systems, signal processing and biomedical engineering.
We are looking for faculty applicants at all levels with outstanding academic credentials, commitment to teaching, and strong potential to lead multidisciplinary research. Research areas with immediate openings include, but not limited to, electronics and photonics, microwave technology, communications systems, signal processing, integrated circuits, and biomedical science.
Positions: professors, associate professors, research fellows and associate research fellows
Qualifications: Applicants should have a PhD in a related field and demonstrate excellent research and teaching potential. Priority will be given to those with overseas experiences.
Responsibilities: Applicants are required to conduct independent research, teaching, and public service.
Salary and Benefits:
•Professors and associate professors: 1-5 million RMB start-up funds; 120,000-500,000 RMB annual salary; 100-150 m2 laboratory .
•Research fellows and associate research fellows:  >150,000 RMB annual salary.
Please submit:
1)    CV
2)    Three references (names and contact information)
3)    Three recent publications
4)    A teaching and research plan
Contact: Mrs Tiehai Wang
School of Electronic Science and Engineering
Nanjing University
Tel: +86 25 89686644, Email: [email protected]