

信息电子学系 博导


皇冠体育官网-皇冠博彩网址 ,教授,博导,曾赴澳大利亚西澳大学访学一年。从事模拟IC与传感设计、鲨鱼仿生非接触微信号感知,有源噪声控制及其相关应用研究,已实现电荷感知芯片的设计,心电、脑电的接触与非接触可穿戴检测与解码、运动姿态识别、运动目标的多阵列定位和主动被动噪声控制等。



1) 模拟IC与传感设计:电荷感知芯片、电流感知芯片、微电极阵列、传感器读出电路

2) 感知与应用(运动目标检测、心电脑电可穿戴检测、细胞电位检测、纳米孔道分子探测,以及相关信号处理与解码,脑机接口调控等)

3) 主被动噪声控制(有源降噪耳机、有源虚拟头靠、车载虚拟降噪、声源定位、语音增强和设备主被动噪声控制等)






Single Position ECG Detection System Based on Charge InductionSensors, 23,23,4711.

A velocity measurement method based on charge induction, Sensors, 23,23,1238.

Reduction of motion artifact in non-contact ECG measurements using a novel designed electrode structure, Sensors, 23, 23, 956.

A gesture recognition method with a charge induction array of 9 electrodesSensors, 22,1158.

Instrumentational implementation for parallelized nanopore electrochemical measurements, Analyst, 2021, l46, 4111-4120.

An identification method for rotor direction based on charge inductionSensors, 2021, 21, 1380.

Electrode humidification design for artifact reduction in capacitive ECG measurements, Sensors, 2020, 20, 3449.

An improved method with high anti-interference ability for wearable R peak detection, Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering, 2020,41,172-183.

An interference suppression method for non-contact bioelectric acquisitionElectronics, 2020,9,293.

A recognition method for hand motion direction based on charge induction, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020,1,415-424.

A smart floating gate transistor with two control gates for active noise control, Micromachines, 2019,10,722.

A novel front-end design for bioelectrical signal wearable acquisition,IEEE sensors Journal, 2019, 19:8009-8018.

A new light control method with charge induction of moving target, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019, 19: 6966-6974.

A novel high input impedance front-end for capacitive bio-potential measurement, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2018, 56: 1343-1355.

Causality study on a feedforward active noise control headset with different noise coming directions in freefield, Applied Acoustics, 2014, 80: 36-44.

Performance analysis of decentralized multi-channel feedback systems for active noise control in freespace, Applied Acoustics, 2013, 74: 181-188.

An intuitive approach for feedback active noise controller design, Applied Acoustics, 2013, 74: 160-168.

Active control of transformer noise with an internally synthesized reference signal, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012, 331(15): 3466-3475.








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    (Panzhonglai Building), 163 Xianlin Ave., Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210023