电子工程系教授、博士生导师。曾应邀赴美国特拉华大学物理系开展有关磁性材料高频物性的合作研究。2005年入选江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养计划。 近期主要从事人工电磁材料的微波物性,人工电磁材料应用,天线和电波传播等的研究,涉及光子晶体拓扑态、磁性超构材料、人工结构透明与吸收材料、可重构天线和光学天线等。承担了国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)、国家自然科学基金项目、教育部博士点基金等课题的研究。已发表学术论文100多篇,其中被SCI、EI收录论文70多篇。
1. 人工电磁材料的高频物性。2. 人工电磁材料器件设计与机器学习。 3. 天线与电波传播。
本科课程:电磁场理论与微波技术; 研究生课程:材料的高频物性及其宏观电磁理论;人工电磁材料;现代电子工程进展;
Xi Ming Li, Xiang Xi, Jian Chen, Hua Bing Wu, Xin Li, Qiang Chen, and Rui-Xin Wu*, Stereo meta-atom enabled phase–amplitude gradient metasurface for circularly polarized waves, ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, 2200326 (2022) Kang-Ping Ye, Wen-Jin Pei, Zhong-Hao Sa, Huanyang Chen, and Rui-Xin Wu*, Invisible gateway by superscattering effect of metamaterials, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 126, 227403 (2021) Hui Ma, Rui-Xin Wu*, Nonreciprocal normal-incidence lateral shift for transmitted wave beams through the magnetic photonic crystal slab, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 116 (7), 071104 (2020) Qingbo Li, Hui Ma, Rui-Xin Wu*, Achieving self-guiding unidirectional electromagnetic bulk states by breaking time-mirror symmetry, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 115 (11), 111902 (2019) Fei-fei Li, Qun Lou, Ping Chen, Yin Poo, Rui-Xin Wu*, Broadband backscattering reduction realized by array of lossy scatterers, OPTICS EXPRESS 26 (26), 34711-34718 (2018) Chao Xiao, Rui-Xin Wu*, Zhong-Hao Sa, Da-Yong Zou, Manipulating radiation beams by symmetry of magnetic photonic crystals, OPTICS EXPRESS 24 (13), 15042-15049 (2016)、 Qing-Bo Li; Zhen Li, Rui-xin Wu*, Bending self-collimated one-way light by using gyromagnetic photonic crystals, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 107 (24), 241907 (2015) Li-Rong Tan, Rui-Xin Wu*, and Yin Poo, Magnetically Reconfigurable SIW Antenna with Tunable Frequencies and Polarizations, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION 63, 2772-2776 (2015)
Yan Yang, Yin Poo, Rui-xin Wu*, et al, Experimental demonstration of one-way slow wave in waveguide involving gyromagnetic photonic crystals, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 102,231113 (2013)
Yin Poo, Rui-xin Wu*, Shiyang Liu, et al, Experimental demonstration of surface morphology independent electromagnetic chiral edge states originated from magnetic plasmon resonance, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101, 081912 (2012)
Yin Poo, Rui-xin Wu*, Zhifang Lin, Yan Yang, and C. T. Chan,Experimental Realization of Self-Guiding Unidirectional Electromagnetic Edge States, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 106, 093903 (2011)