

通信工程系 博导


唐岚,女,2009年6月毕业于东南大学,获通信与信息系统专业博士学位。2014年在美国哥伦比亚大学访问一年。现为皇冠体育官网-皇冠博彩网址 教授,博导。IEEE会员,中国通信学会会员。担任《中国通信》编委。近期主要从事6G移动通信基础理论与关键技术研究,在IEEE TWC、IEEE TCOM, IEEE JSAC 等学术期刊上发表多篇论文。作为项目负责人,目前承担多项国家级项目。






s   Delin Guo, Lan Tang, Lvxi Yang, Yingchang Liang, “Joint Optimization of Trajectory and Jamming Power for Multiple UAV-aided Proactive Eavesdropping,” IEEE Transaction on mobile computing, vol.23, no.5, pp.5770-5785, 2024.

s   Delin Guo, Lan Tang, Xinggan Zhang, and Ying-chang Liang, “Wireless Surveillance in a MIMO System with Spoofing Relay and UAV-enabled Eavesdropper”, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech. 2024.

s   Delin Guo, Lan Tang, Yingchang Liang, “An off-policy multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm based on trust region policy optimization,” neural networks, vol.170, pp.610-621, 2023.

s   Jiawei Wang, Peng zhang, Lan Tang, Yechao Bai, and Lvxi Yang, “Intelligent Passive Eavesdropping in Massive MIMO-OFDM Systems via Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE wireless communications letters, vol.11, no.6, pp.1248-1252, Nov. 2022.

s   Delin Guo, Hui Ding, Lan Tang, Lvxi Yang, Yingchang Liang, “A Proactive Eavesdropping Game in MIMO systems Based on Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Transaction on wireless communications, vol. 21, no.11, pp.8889-8904, Nov.2022.

s   Jiale Chen, Lan Tang, Delin Guo, Yingchang Liang, “Proactive Eavesdropping in Massive MIMO-OFDM Systems via Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology , vol.11, pp.12315-12320, Nov. 2022.

s   Delin Guo, Hui Ding, Lan Tang, Lvxi Yang, Yingchang Liang, “A Proactive Eavesdropping Game in MIMO systems Based on Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Transaction on wireless communications, vol. 21, no.11, pp.8889-8904, Nov.2022.

s   Chen Zhong, Dabiao Li, Lan Tang, “Resource Allocation for Dynamic TDD-Enabled Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems”, submitted to IEEE TVT

s   Chen Zhong, Lan Tang, “Cooperative multi-target tracking based on multi-detection TPHD in MIMO-OFDM systems”, submitted to IEEE TSP.

s   Yijie Wang, Mengting Lou, Lan Tang, Ying-Chang Liang, “Intelligent Beam Tracking in Radar-assisted MIMO-OFDM Communication Systems”, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech. 2024.

s   Chen Zhong, Xufeng Zhou, Lan Tang, “Joint Optimization of Resource Allocation and Radar Receiver Selection in Integrated MIMO-OFDM Communication-Radar Systems”, China Communications, 2024.

s   Lanxin Yang, Lan Tang, “Secure transmission in integrated communication-radar systems,” IEEE systems Journal, vol.7, no.3, pp.4102-4113,Sep. 2023.

s Chen Zhong, Lan Tang, Yechao Bai, “Performance optimization and parameters estimation for MIMO-OFDM dual-functional communication-radar systems”, Digital communications and networks2023.

s Xuefeng Zhou, Lan Tang, Yechao Bai and Ying-chang Liang, “performance analysis and waveform optimization of integrated FD-MIMO radar-communication systems” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol.20, no.11, pp.7490-7502, Nov. 2021.

s   Lan Tang, Ke Zhang, Haipeng Dai, Y.-Ch. Liang, Analysis and Optimization of Ambiguity Function in Radar-Communication Integrated Systems Using MPSK-DSSSIEEE Wireless Communication Letters, vol.8, no.8, pp. 1546-1550, 2019.

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