

信息电子学系 博士

彭成磊,男,电路与系统工学博士学位,曾于2016年12月-2018年1月在美国斯坦福大学、加州大学圣克鲁斯分校从事访问学者研究。目前主要从事嵌入式智能系统、多光谱成像、计算机视觉算法、深度学习编译技术、软硬件协同设计以及类脑计算等领域的理论与应用研究,曾获中国计算机行业发展成就奖。获得首批国家级线上线下混合式一流本科课程认定,2017年度江苏省高等教育教学成果一等奖,2019年度南京大学魅力导师奖,2020年度南京大学卓越教师发展奖,2022年度南京大学育教融合奖,南京大学优秀新生导师。指导学生获得2022年大学生电子设计竞赛嵌入式专题邀请赛全国一等奖,2022第二届英特尔人工智能全球影响力嘉年华最高奖项:全球大奖(Grand Winner)。




1. 《数字系统II》;2. 《操作系统与Linux程序设计》。


3. 《人工智能工程基础》;4. 《人工智能基础与产业发展》。


5.  《AIoT入门实践》。



1. Zeyu Zhao, Zhihao Liu, Chenglei Peng*, AGFNet: Attention Guided Fusion Network for Camouflaged Object Detection, CICAI 2022

2. Jie Wang#, Chenglei Peng#, Ming Li, Yang Li*, Sidan Du*, The study of stereo matching optimization based on multi-baseline trinocular model, Multimedia Tools Applications 81, 12961-12972 (2022).

3. Xuejiao Hu, Jingzhao Dai, Ming Li, Chenglei Peng*, Yang Li, Sidan Du, Online human action detection and anticipation in videos: A survey, Neurocomputing 491, 395-413 (2022)

4. Zhaoxu Li, Sheng Liu, Jue Bai, Chenglei Peng*, Yang Li* and Sidan Du*, A Novel Skeleton-based Model with Spine for 3D Human Pose Estimation, 2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 2022, pp. 0501-0506


5. Mengyu An, Yuanyong Luo*, Muhan Zheng, Yuxuan Wang, Hongxi Dong, Zhongfeng Wang, Chenglei Peng*, and Hongbing Pan, Piecewise Parabolic Approximate Computation Based on an Error-Flattened Segmenter and a Novel Quantizer, Electronics 10, no. 21: 2704 (2021)

6. Jue Bai, Chenglei Peng*, Zhaoxu Li, Sidan Du*, Yang Li*, A Study of General Data Improvement for Large-Angle Head Pose Estimation, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13053.

7. Yifang Xu, Chenglei Peng*, Ming Li, Yang Li, and Sidan Du*, Pyramid Feature Attention Network for Monocular Depth Prediction, ICME 2021

8. Zhicheng Cai, Chenglei Peng*, and Sidan Du, Jitter: Random Jittering Loss Function, IJCNN 2021

9. Yifang Xu, Ming Li, Chenglei Peng*, Yang Li, and Sidan Du*, Dual Attention Feature Fusion Network for Monocular Depth Estimation, CICAI 2021

10. Haoran Geng#, Meng Cao#, Chengwen Guo, Chenglei Peng*, Sidan Du, and Jie Yuan, Global disassortative rewiring strategy for enhancing the robustness of scale-free networks against localized attack, Physical Review E 103, no. 2 (2021): 022313.

11. Zhicheng Cai, and Chenglei Peng*, A study on training fine-tuning of convolutional neural networks, In 2021 13th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST), pp. 84-89. IEEE, 2021.

12. Cao, Jingyi, Chenglei Peng*Yang Li, and Sidan Du*, A Shadow Detection Method for Retaining Key Objects in Complex Scenes, In 2021 13th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST), pp. 90-95. IEEE, 2021.

13. Yuting Jiang#, Chenglei Peng#, Yunhao Zhu#, Xiang Ma, Guan Xu, Jie Yuan*, Xueding Wang, and Paul Carson*, Biomedical Photoacoustic Imaging with Unknown Spatially Distributed Ultrasound Sensor Array, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2021).

14. Dezheng Zhu, Chao Chen, Yan Zhao, Chenglei Peng*, and Zhikuang Cai, A 0.6 V high-swing gate-switching charge pump for PLL with current self-matching technique in 28nm CMOS, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.18, 20200441, 2021

15. Han Fang#, Li Gong#, Yuan Xu, Yiyao Zhuo, Wentao Kong, Chenglei Peng*, and Jie Yuan, Reliable Thyroid Carcinoma Detection with Real-Time Intelligent Analysis of Ultrasound Images, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, Vol 47, Issue 3, pp. 590-602, 2021


16. Dezheng Zhu, Yuxuan Wang, Chenglei Peng*, Hongbing Pan, and Zhikuang Cai, A Low-Power 2.4-GHz Receiver Front-End with a Complementary Series Feedback LNA and a Current-reused Passive Down-converter based on Gm-boosted TIA for WSN Applications, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.17, Issue 23, 20200353, 2020

17. Chenglei Peng*, Yanan Zhang, and Baoshan Zhang, MOF-derived jujube pit shaped C/Co composites with hierarchical structure for electromagnetic absorption, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 826:154203, 2020

18. Xiang Ma, Chenglei Peng, Jie Yuan*, Qian Cheng, Guan Xu, Xueding Wang, and Paul L. Carson*, Multiple Delay and Sum with Enveloping Beamforming Algorithm for Photoacoustic Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,Vol. 39, No. 6, 2020

19. Chenglei Peng*, Yang Li, Yao Yu, Yu Zhou, and Sidan Du, Multi-step-ahead Host Load Prediction with GRU Based Encoder-Decoder in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2018 10th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST), pp. 186-191, 2018

20. Qiangpeng Yang#, Chenglei Peng#, He Zhao, Yao Yu, Yu Zhou, Ziqiang Wang, and Sidan Du, A New Method Based on PSR and EA-GMDH for Host Load Prediction in Cloud Computing System, The Journal of Supercomputing, June 2014, Vol. 68, Issue 3, pp. 1402-1417, 2014

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