1. 智能信息处理;2.生物医学信号处理;3.生物医学电子学;4.微弱信号检测技术
本科生:(1)信号处理的智能化方法及应用;(2)信息电子学前沿实验(医学电子模块) 研究生:现代数字信号处理
Bufang Yang, Le Liu, Wenxuan Wu, Mengliang Zhou, Hongxing Liu*, and Xinbao Ning:BrainZ-BP: A Noninvasive Cuff-Less Blood Pressure Estimation Approach Leveraging Brain Bio-Impedance and Electrocardiogram,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, V73, 2024,4002213(1-13),Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2023.3346527
B.F., Yang, W. Wu, Y. Liu and Hongxing Liu*, A Novel Sleep Stage Contextual Refinement Algorithm Leveraging Conditional Random Fields, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71(1):1-13 Zheng Wei, Liu Hongxing* and Cheng Jianchun,Adaptive filtering in phase space for foetal electrocardiogram estimation from an abdominal electrocardiogram signal and a thoracic electrocardiogram signal, IET SIGNAL Processing, ISSN: 1751-9675,2012,6(3), 171-177 Zheng Wei, Liu Hongxing* and Cheng Jianchun:Improving local PCA in pseudo phase space for fetal heart rate estimation from single lead abdominal ECG,Biomedizinische Technik (Biomed Tech),ISSN0013-5585,2011.12.01; 56(6):309–319 © 2011 by Walter de Gruyter •Berlin • Boston. DOI 10.1515/BMT.2011.024 Zheng Wei, Liu Hongxing*, He Aijun, Ning Xinbao, Cheng Jianchun: Single-lead fetal Electrocardiogram Estimation by means of Combining R-peaks Detection, Resampling and Comb Filter, Medical engineering and Physics, ISSN: 1350-4533 ,32(2010),NO.7,708-719,2010.10.16 Qiong Yu, Aili Liu, Tiebing Liu, Yuwei Mao, Wei Chen, Hongxing Liu*:ECG R-wave peaks marking with simultaneously recorded continuous blood pressure,PLOS ONE //doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0214443 March 28, 2019 1 / 17 Qiong Yu, Huawen Yan, Lin Song, Wenya Guo, Hongxing Liu*, Junfeng Si,Ying Zhao:Automatic identifying of maternal ECG source,when applying ICA in fetal ECG extraction,biocybernetics and biomedical engineering 38 (2018) 448–455 Liu Hongxing*,Zuo Hongfu, Jiang Chengyu, Qu Liangsheng:An Improved Algorithm for Direct Time-Domain Averaging, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, Vol.14(2), 279-285, Jun, 2000