博士,副教授,黄晓林老师长期从事信号处理与数据分析,主持省、市级科研项目4项,参与国家重点研发计划1项,省重点研发计划2项。发表学术论文40多篇,授权发明专利5 项。主讲课程《计算方法》、《数据科学导论》,慕课《探索数据的奥秘》(省级一流本科课程),主编教材《数据科学导论:探索数据的奥秘》(江苏省重点规划教材)。指导研究生、本科生获得南京大学优秀硕士论文、南京大学优秀本科生论文、物联网大赛国家奖等多项荣誉。
计算方法 数据科学导论 中国大学MOOC: 《探索数据的奥秘》
1.Q. Yu, X. Huang*, et al. Intensive Care Unit False Alarm Identification Based on Convolution Neural Network. IEEE Access. 9: 81841-81854, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3086862. 2. J. Xi, X. Huang*,et al . Classification for memory activities: experiments and EEG analysis based on networks constructed via phase locking value. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2022: 3878771. 2022. //doi.org/10.1155/2022/3878771.
3. Xiaofei Ma, Xiaolin Huang*, et al. Brain Connectivity Variation Topography Associated with Working Memory. PLoS One. 11(12): e0165168. 2016. 4. Fengzhen Hou, Xiaolin Huang*, et al. Combination of equiprobable symbolization and time reversal asymmetry for heartbeat interval series analysis. Phys. Rev. E. 87(1): 012908. 2013. 5. Xiaofei Ma, Xiaolin Huang*, et al. Symbolic joint entropy reveals the coupling of various brain regions. Physica A. 490: 1087-1095. 2018. 6. Jie Zhang, Xiaolin Huang*, et al. Nearest Neighbor Method to Estimate Internal Target for Real-Time Tumor Tracking. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment. 17: 1-13. 2018. 7. Xiaofei Ma, Xiaolin Huang*, et al. EEG based topography analysis in string recognition task. Physica A. 469: 531-539. 2017. 8. Weifeng Li, Xiaolin Huang*, et al. Common Interferences Removal from Dense Multichannel EEG Using Independent Component Decomposition. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2018: 1482874. 2018. 9. Chengyu Huo, Xiaolin Huang*, et al. A multi-scale feedback ratio analysis of heartbeat interval series in healthy vs. cardiac patients. Medical Engineering and Physics. 36(12): 1693-1698. 2014. 教材: 黄晓林、刘斌等。数据科学导论 : 探索数据的奥秘。ISBN 978-7-302-56169-9。北京 : 清华大学出版社, 2020.10。 江苏省重点规划教材,面向新工科的电工电子信息基础课程系列教材。