教授、博士生导师。任职期间主持科研项目多项,并参加973和国家重大科学研究计划等课题研究。在Physical Review B, IEEE ACCESS, IEEE TED, Optical Express, Applied physics letter, 等学术期刊上发表论文50余篇,专利20多项。欢迎本科生,硕士和博士研究生加入本科研团队。
最新代表作: 1)QIXUAN YANG, XIAOLI JI*, YUE XU, AND FENG YAN,“Improved Performance of CMOS Terahertz Detectors by Reducing MOSFET Parasitic Capacitance” IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 7 (2019)
2)JINLAN LI, ZHICHENG XU,PING HAN,JIANXIN CHEN,AND XIAOLI JI*, “Investigation of deep level defects on Beryllium compensation doping of In0.53Ga0.47As/GaAs0.49Sb0.51 type-II superlattice photodiodes“ OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 26, No.12 (2018)
1) CMOS传感器设计及其在太赫兹方向应用; 2)红外探测器工艺和器件物理;3)毫米波雷达组件。
1)集成电路可靠性和失效分析(本科生); 2)模拟集成电路设计(本科生); 3)集成电路工艺、器件及表征(研究生) 4)信息电子学前沿实验 (本科生);
Ming-Cheng Luo, Fang-Fang Ren,* Nikita Gagrani, Kai Qiu, Qianjin Wang, Le Yu, Jiandong Ye,* Feng Yan, Rong Zhang, Hark Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish, and Xiaoli Ji*, Polarization-Independent Indium Phosphide Nanowire Photodetectors,Adv. Optical Mater.,2000514(2020) CHENXU MENG,JINLAN LI,LE YU,XIAOMU WANG,PING HAN,FENG YAN,ZHICHENG XU,JIANXIN CHEN,AND XIAOLI JI* Investigation of a noise source and its impact on the photocurrent performance of long-wave-infrared InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice detectors; Optics Express Vol. 28, No. 10,pp14753 (2020) Jinlan Li, Chenxu Meng , Le Yu , Yun Li, Feng Yan , Ping Han,* and Xiaoli Ji* ,Effect of Various Defects on 4H-SiC Schottky Diode Performance and Its Relation to Epitaxial Growth Conditions。 MDPI Micromachines , 11, 609(2020); Ruizhi Huang, Xiaoli Ji*, Yiming Liao, Jingyu Peng, Ke Wang, Yue Xu, and Feng Yan, “Dual-frequency CMOS terahertz detector with silicon-based plasmonic antenna”, Optics Express vol. 27, Issue 16, pp. 23250-23261(2019) Ze Shen, Xiaoli Ji*, Yiming Liao, Ke Wang, Biaobing Jin, Feng Yan, “Resonant Polysilicon Antenna for Terahertz Detection”, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1-8 (2019) QIXUAN YANG, XIAOLI JI*, YUE XU, AND FENG YAN, Improved Performance of CMOS Terahertz Detectors by Reducing MOSFET Parasitic Capacitance IEEE ACCESS VOLUME 7, pp. 978(2019) Jinlan Li, Yun Li, Ling Wang, Yue Xu, Ping Han and XiaoLi Ji, The influence of deep defects on electrical properties of Ni/4H-SiC Schottky diodes, Chinese Physics B,28(2), 27303-027303 (2019).