


地点:物理楼 331
Title: Economics of Cooperative Spectrum Sharing: Bargaining, Contract, and Auction

Title: Economics of Cooperative Spectrum Sharing: Bargaining, Contract, and Auction

Abstract: With the explosive development of wireless services and networks, spectrum is becoming more congested and scarce. Cooperative spectrum sharing allows primary (licensed) and secondary (unlicensed) users to exchange communication resources in order to improve the performance of both sides. The successful implementation of cooperative spectrum sharing, however, requires many innovations in technology, economics, and policy. This talk focuses on the economic considerations of efficient sharing mechanism design, which encourages primary users to open licensed spectrum for sharing and secondary users to utilize the spectrum opportunities despite of the potential costs. We will start by talking about the dynamic bargaining between one primary user and one secondary user, then the contract-based sharing between one primary user and a group of secondary users, and finally the dynamic auction design for sharing among multiple primary users and secondary users. The common design challenge in all models is the performance optimization with incomplete information in a dynamic network environment.


Jianwei Huang (S'01-M'06-SM'11) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Southeast University (Nanjing, Jiangsu, China) in 2000, M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Northwestern University (Evanston, IL, USA) in 2003 and 2005, respectively. He worked as a Postdoc Research Associate in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University during 2005-2007. Dr. Huang currently leads the Network Communications and Economics Lab (ncel.ie.cuhk.edu.hk), with main research focus on nonlinear optimization and game theoretical analysis of communication networks, especially on network economics, cognitive radio networks, and smart grid. He is the recipient of the IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications in 2011, the IEEE GLOBECOM Best Paper Award in 2010, the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2009, Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications Best Paper Award in 2009, and Walter P. Murphy Fellowship at Northwestern University in 2001.

Dr. Huang has served as Editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Cognitive Radio Series, Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Guest Editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications special issue on "Economics of Communication Networks and Systems", Lead Guest Editor of IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications special issue on "Game Theory in Communication Systems", and Guest Editor of several other journals including (Wiley) Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Journal of Advances in Multimedia, and Journal of Communications.

Dr. Huang has served as Vice Chair of IEEE MMTC (Multimedia Communications Technical Committee) (2010-2012), Director of IEEE MMTC E-letter (2010), the TPC Co-Chair of IEEE WiOpt (International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks) 2012, the Publicity Co-Chair of IEEE Communications Theory Workshop 2012, the Student Activities Co-Chair of IEEE WiOpt 2011, the TPC Co-Chair of GameNets (the International Conference on Game Theory for Networks) 2009, the TPC Co-Chair of IEEE GlOBECOM Wireless Communications Symposium 2010, the TPC Co-Chair of IWCMC (the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing) Mobile Computing Symposium 2010, and TPC member of many conferences such as INFOCOM, MobiHoc, ICC, GLBOECOM, DySPAN, WiOpt, NetEcon, and WCNC. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
